Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Blueberry Season is Here... or is it?

Photo from Sand Hill Blueberries 31614 Bottany Wood Dr.  Eustis, Florida. (352) 483-1614
So it is that wonderful time of year when hours in a field enjoying the sun and the warm breeze result in mounds and mounds of sweet blueberries ready to be baked into everything in sight....

..... IN FLORIDA!!!!

But here in Maine it is a different story.

While our friends Bob & Melanie Rose at Sand Hill Blueberry Farm are opening today the blueberry fields here are being freshly burned. That's correct. I said burned. 

Apparently this is normal. So we will get back to you about Maine berry picking later this year. 

But as for Florida, since we are unable to pick, please someone go pick some and ship them to us!

These are the fields on our road.

The smoke from the fire.

The team working the burn.

Fields on both sides of the road as far as you can see.

Up in smoke.

1 comment:

  1. I picked up some organic blueberries yesterday at Publix; one of those tiny packages was $5.99!! Definitely made me miss picking them with you guys at Sand Hill.
